Tuesday, December 28, 2010

December Events

I can't believe it's been over a month since I last posted. Today is three days from my 5th anniversary with the love of my life. The very next day (1-1-11) Isabella will turn 1! We just arrived home from family Christmases tonight, and a glorious time was had by all. We got to see both sides of the family and got to give presents that were appreciated or needed or both.

Tomorrow starts the push to get the house ready for Isabella's birthday party. We need to get all the Christmas decorations down and away, give the house a good once-over clean, and then start decorating for a girl's first birthday! Friday we'll pick up Bella's birthday cake and make some extra treats.

Friday night for our anniversary, we have tickets for Cirque du Soleil's Allegria. Our seats are nothing spectacular, but I have a feeling that proximity (or lack thereof) will not dull the dazzling effects of the show. After that, we're headed to YiaYia's Euro Bistro for a dinner out.

Saturday should be a lovely day and a grand time with family celebrating a single year in our Bella's life. She is so adorable, having learned to walk within the last month. She says a few words besides "mama" and "dada": "key," "ball," and on occasion "Bella." I can't wait to get our loved ones all together to celebrate!