Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The highlight of my day!

There is no better feeling than having your baby sleeping on your back!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Dinnertime Struggles and Bedtime Snuggles

The highlight of your day as a family is supposed to be the family dinner, right? Sometimes, our family fits that mold. Other times, well, not so much. Tonight, for example, Bella chose to throw handfuls of food off her tray onto the floor while crying, screaming, begging almost for her paci which had fallen off to the side earlier. She did drink a decent amount of milk (maybe 4 oz), but I think only 2-3 bites of food crossed her lips. Was it just that she didn't like the food? I don't think so, because the crying and pitching food started before any food even touched her mouth. Was it because she drank a little juice when she and Daddy got home, before dinner was made? Was it that she just wasn't hungry at all? Who knows. Whatever it was, it was a stressful dinner for sure.

Bedtime is Isabella's primetime, in my opinion. She gets all cuddly and just sits on my lap smiling and "communicating" in her own way. Nursing snuggles are the absolute best, and I think she likes it more than I do. Bedtime makes me wish that she could be a baby forever and ever.

Being a mother is never easy but always worth it!